Saturday, February 14, 2009

Our daily special is...

Little-princess is 6-going-on-7. She's always been very assertive, but willing to try new things. Lately though, little-princess has been increasingly fussy at meal times. Even the food she's always loved (i.e. avocados) is classified in the "I don't like it" section, only to be reclaimed a few weeks later ("I used to like them, then I didn't like them, and now I like them again... Isn't that funny mommy?)". Daddy, being in charge of making lunches for all 3 kids, has almost gone mental trying to figure out what to put in her lunch-box.

Here's sample of the dynamics involved :

Daddy : Do you want a ham sandwich in your lunch today ?

LP : No, I don't like it.

D : How about a chicken wrap ?

LP : No.

D : Beef-barley soup ?

LP : No.

D : COME ON !!!!!

LP : Ok, I'll have a ham sandwich

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But as this blog in not titled "Self-help for FUSLP (Fathers Unable to Stand up to their Little Princess)", and since, as they say, it takes two to tango, we'll address LP's culinary fuss.

Lesson for the day (long version) : We eat to live, not live to eat. If you are unable (or unwilling) to cook for yourself, or if you are a guest, the right thing to do is to accept what is offered to you, period. Without going into the poor-children-of-the-third-world-who-don't-get-enough-to-eat routine, let's just say that, should you not care for what is offered to you, you should not make a fuss about it. First, make a mental note to not include the disliked selection on your menu when you are out to college. Second, make a choice : you are free to eat what is in front of you... or not. If you choose the latter, please know that it is rude to ask for something else instead.

Lesson for the day (short version) : Eat what's in you plate or go without.
This is not a freaking restaurant.

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