Friday, February 13, 2009

Bathing 101

Over the past few months, my 11-year old has had a relapse in personal hygiene. I have had to go as far as threaten him to slap on my bathing suit and get in the shower with him for a hands-on demonstration. Arrrgghhhh!

Here is my son's current idea of bathing:
  1. turn water on
  2. get in shower
  3. pour shampoo in hand
  4. spread shampoo over hair ("spread" as in "one-stroke-down-the-head")
  5. rinse
  6. get out
Total time : 48 seconds

Don't get me wrong. I AM a strong believer in preserving our environment. I actually encourage my hole family to turn off the water while lathering. But this is ridiculous, Son!

Lesson of the day (long version): Bathing requires 3 very important components : Water, soap and friction. In addition, your body has 5 odour-generating, filth-gathering, lint-collecting and/or zit-prone areas that need to be taken care of everyday : hair, face, arm-pits, private areas and feet. Be sure to address each body part/area with the proper combination of cleanser and friction, then rinse well. Still not clear on how to do it ? Refer to a complete step-by-step procedure here!

Lesson of the day (short version): Soap-up and scrub!
( it's not THAT bad, I promise!)

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